Classes in the School of Creative Growth
The classes continue in the School of Creative Growth at the Starobilsk branch of the Regional Center for Vocational Education.
Modern requirements to the teacher put the systematic independent work on development of professional competence on the first place. So, the problem of self-education is becoming more urgent, therefore, the topic of the next session of the School of Creative Growth “Self-education as a condition for the professional growth of the teacher” was chosen, which took place in the form of a meeting of the discussion club.
The practical realization of self-education primarily depends on the teacher, and this is possible only through the continuous updating of knowledge, his constant self-improvement and self-education. To highlight successes, teachers use various methodological and pedagogical activities: open lessons, interviews, instructive and methodological consultations and meetings, presentations of pedagogical findings, decades, subject weeks. Teachers L.E. Sirenko and M.Yu. Shumov presented to the listeners of the School the experience of planning and organizing self-educational activities.
In our time the problem of the self-education of teachers, aimed specifically at their professional self-development, is very important. Therefore, in order to study the teacher’s ability to self-develop, a survey was conducted during the classes.
Motives for the formation of self-education are very diverse. And which of them prevail, the audience learned during the interactive exercise “Motivation of self-education.”
The needs for self-education of each teacher are different, specific, because they are influenced by various factors, namely: the personality of the teacher, his interests, scientific and pedagogical preparation, general educational and cultural level; own pedagogical work and its results, evaluation of his work by others.
According to the methodical service
of the Starobilsk Branch of RCVE