Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

The Academic Council Meeting

A planned meeting of the Academic Council was held at the University.

Three main issues were considered on the agenda:

  • On the status and prospects of the publication of scientific literature in publications included in the science-based databases Scopus and Web of Science.
  • On the budget of the University for the 2018 financial year.
  • Competitive matters.

Olena Klimochkina made a report on the state and prospects of the publication of scientific literature in the publications included in the science-based databases Scopus and Web of Science. After hearing and discussing the information of the Vice-Rector on Scientific and Pedagogical Work, the Academic Council noted that in 2017, university scientists published 902 articles. 111 of them were published abroad, including journals with impact factor of 69, in the publications included in the Scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science – 18.

At the same time, the Academic Council notes that the problem of integrating university science into the European and world research and educational space through publications in journals included in the international databases Scopus, Web of Science and others.

Tetyana Berezhna made a report on the budget of the University for the 2018 financial year. Having heard and discussed the report of the Chief Accountant of the University, the Academic Council noted that the priority lines of expenditure for 2018 should be such items as salaries of teachers and employees; payment of utility services; travel expenses; capital and current repairs; scientific work and methodological support of the educational process; purchase of computer and office equipment.

There are also expenses for material aid to orphan students, financial assistance to university veterans, the trade union of teachers and employees, labor protection expenses and the organization of student government.

The Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work Dmytro Uzhchenko made a report on the competitive affairs.

Scientists were elected to the post of head of the Department of Information Technologies and Systems and head of the Department of Fine Arts and Professional Skills, as well as the Professor of the Department of Romance and Germanic Philology by secret ballot. The Academic Council awarded the academic title of Associate Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Literature to Olena Dvulichanska.

Among other things, it was recommended to publish methodical recommendations, teaching aids, monographs, a dictionary-reference book. In addition, the dissertation for a Ph.D. degree as well as the rules for admission to the university and its structural subdivisions for the year 2018 were approved.


Maryna Chumakova,
Press Center of LTSNU

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