Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Economic brain-ring

An economic brain-ring was held in the Educational and Research Institute of Economy and Business.

The interesting and important component of the educational process is the organization of tournaments and competitions that allow students to deepen their knowledge and gain the necessary skills of work in the team. That is why the Candidate of Economic Sciences N.N. Chebotareva held a brain-ring for the second- and third-year students of the Institute on the development of the economy of international relations.

Young people carefully prepared for the event, studied the necessary scientific literature to demonstrate a high level of knowledge and gain a victory. N.N. Chebotareva prepared interesting questions and tasks that students solved during the lesson.

At the end of the event, students of specialties “Fin-3” and “Mark-3” were recognized as the best ones.


According to the information of ER IEB

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