Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Psychological and pedagogical seminar

The psychological and pedagogical seminar “Improvement of the PTEI teacher’s work with pupils of different categories” was held in the Starobilsk branch of the Regional Center for Vocational Education of LTSNU.

The psychological competence of a teacher is the key to the effectiveness of the educational process. Psychological culture is formed through conducting psychological and pedagogical seminars.

The work of the psychological and pedagogical seminar was aimed at solving existing psychological and pedagogical problems. The psychologist of the department Yu.A. Nesvit spoke about the signs, reasons and recommendations for working with different categories of students in our institution, paid special attention to the features of the organization of the educational process, the selection of the best methods and methods of teacher’s work. Teachers Maryna Sergienko and Mykhailo Tretiak presented to the participants of the seminar the technology of organizing lessons and extra-hour activities of students through the introduction of gameplay.

All participants of the seminar took part in the questionnaire “How to define the style of pedagogical communication?”, in the interactive exercises “Microphone” and “Guess me”. During the seminar, topical issues of improving the methods and methods of organizing pedagogical activity with different categories of pupils of professional and technical educational institutions were discussed, as well as teachers received memos and “flowers” with advice.


According to the methodical service
of Starobilsk Branch of RCVE

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