Interview with a serviceman
The serviceman I.O. Syrota during an interview on the eve of the Day of Ukrainian Cossacks told about the difficult fate of the defender of the state.
Celebration of courage and heroism of the defenders of the independence and territorial integrity of the country, military traditions and victories of the Ukrainian people is the key to the development of the state. I.O. Syrota is a serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine who answered the topical questions that interests teachers and students.
- Igor Olegovych, what importance does the title of defender of your country have today and what does it mean for you personally?
Now the defender of the country is a person who considers it necessary to be in the place where he is in demand.
- For the third year in a row, we are celebrating the Day of the Defender of Ukraine on October 14, at the same time as the Feast of the Cover of the Holy Virgin. Do you think it is worth moving away from dates that were relevant in the past?
I believe that the decision to move away from the holiday on February 23 was correct, because the ancient traditions of the Ukrainian Cossacks are being revived and acquire modern meaning. As they say: the fountain of great blood is saturated on this holiday, and it will be in the future both in the soul and in mind of the Ukrainians.
- Today much attention is paid to patriotic education. Tell me, please, are there any differences in this direction if we compare 2014 and 2017?
As stated in the Bible, you cannot enter the same river twice. We will never repeat our mistakes, as they are paid with blood, now the youth is completely different. Young people are smarter, nobler, but it is necessary to taught them to love their Motherland.
- How do you think, what should be taking into account when forming a sense of dignity and respect for the native country among the young generation?
Patriotic education must be carried out around the national idea, because our Ukraine is independent, conciliar and united. This is the basis for all the education of our youth. Education must filter out the garbage from the children’s mind. It is the tuning fork that distinguishes a false note from a pure one.
- At the beginning of the ATO, our defenders were supported by many volunteer organizations and simply not indifferent people who helped them. Do you get help from volunteers now?
Volunteering is a phenomenon that was formed in a society that understood that it was impossible to do without it. By that time the army was really in a difficult situation, they were given literally everything from needles and threads to rifles.
- What would you wish to the defenders on the eve of such an outstanding holiday for our state?
I wish them faith in themselves, health, luck, family coziness, and understanding that their work is really necessary for us.
A more detailed interview can be heard on the university online radio “University Wave”. (
So, our defenders are the pride of the state, a pledge of security and confidence in the bright future.
Maryna Chumakova, Press Center of LTSNU