Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Webometrics-2015: LNU is Ahead of All Universities of Luhansk

Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University hit top 30 the most popular universities on the Web.

According to the World Ranking of Webometrics – 2015 Ukraine LNU is ahead of all higher educational establishments of Luhansk region. This was reported by the university rectorate. “We took the 27th position in the ranking upstaging East Ukrainian National University for 7 positions. The rest of the universities are not even in the first 100”, – told at LNU.

Besides the rectorate noted that in spite of the evacuation and the difficult situation the university had significantly improved its position. It raised its position almost on 10 points as compared to the last year.

Let us remember that Webometrics is a web ranking system for the world’s universities aimed to analyze the level of university activity on the Internet space. The ranking started in 2004 and is updated twice a year.

The developers evaluate content and informative part of university website. That means they take into account quality of methodological materials of education establishment, scientific works citation, number of indexed web pages by search engines, number of attached files and external links to the resources. But the developers note that website design and attendance ratio does not influence on the ranking position.

Press-center of LNU (the City of Starobilsk)

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