Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Mass Students Exodus from the “Republic’s Universities”

The students are tired of the self-proclaimed rectorates’ promises that have led to the mass youth exodus from the “republic’s universities”.

Future specialists for a long time have been promised to arrange adequate educational process, reconstruct destroyed material and technical resources, pay out stipends and most importantly – to issue double diplomas. By the beginning of the second semester it had been obvious that there wouldn’t any double diplomas. Because the diplomas issued in LNR will not be recognized in Ukraine and Russia and “people’s republic” just doesn’t need higher education professionals.

Due to such situation the rectorate of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University affords a chance to all students from Luhansk region to come back to the university. It is easy to resume studies at native alma-mater because there are no excessive formalities such as academic and archive references execution. Besides LNU guaranties the full educational process organized by highly qualified teaching staff, just repaired dormitory accommodation, on time stipend repayment and state-recognized diploma. For more information please contact your directorates (deaneries), you can find their telephone numbers on the university official website (https://luguniv.edu.ua/?page_id=98).


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