Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

State Attestation of Students-Mathematicians

At the end of May, the State Examination Commission in specialties “Mathematics” and “System Analysis” finished its work at the Department of Algebra and System Analysis.

The work of this commission lasted from May 29 to May 31, 2017. The chairman of the examination commission this year was a representative of the Sumy State A.S. Makarenko Pedagogical University, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematics Oksana O. Odintsova.

The commission consisted of two Doctors of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.V. Zhukok, head of the Department of Algebra and System Analysis, Professor and Yu.V. Zhuchok, Associate Professor of This Department; Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Vice-Rector of the University O.S. Meniailenko; Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the University L.F. Panchenko; Director of the Educational and Research Institute of Physics, Mathematics and Information Technologies, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor G.A. Mogylny; Director of the Educational and Research Institute of Economy and Business, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor V.P. Khmel; Head of the Department of Physical and Technical Systems and Computer Sciences, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Yu.G. Kozub.

The level of complexity and scope of the tasks of the comprehensive qualification examination for professional disciplines met the requirements fixed in the state standards of higher education of the relevant fields of knowledge and the programs of the relevant academic disciplines. The commission noted that our students have a proper level of training, qualification works correspond to the quality of the state standards of higher education, and the results listed in them can be applied in the further scientific, educational and professional activities of graduates.

During the work of the examination commission, the answers analysis of students majoring in “Mathematics” and “System Analysis” of the educational and qualification level “bachelor” showed that, in general, the students are proficient in theoretical knowledge, and by decision of the examination commission, they were given the qualification “Bachelor’s degree of Mathematics” and “Bachelor of Systems Analysis, Technical Specialist in Management”.

Competitors of the educational and qualification level “specialist” were represented in two specialties: 014.04 Secondary education. Mathematics of the field “01 Education” and 111 Mathematics of the field “11 Physics and Mathematics”. Forms of state certification for the specified specialties were a comprehensive examination in special disciplines (computer testing) and defense of the thesis. Future mathematicians conducted their research on such topics as “Fundamentals of the theory of permutation groups”, “Theoretical substitution constructions and their properties”, “Free Doppler Semigroups”. Scientific researches differed in their constructiveness and content. According to the results of state examinations, students of these specialties got the qualifications “Specialist in secondary education (mathematics), teacher of mathematics” and “Mathematician, consultant (mathematics)”, respectively.

But as Albert Einstein said, “Science is never finished.”, so we are waiting for our graduates in the magistracy and post-graduate courses, and also rejoice at their successes in professional life!

In addition, on June 1, 2017, at the Department of Algebra and System Analysis was held the Candidate Examination in the specialty 01.01.06 – Algebra and Number Theory. The teacher of the Department Olena O. Toichkina, who conducts her scientific research on the topic “Semigroups of Semigroup Correspondences”, showed a high result in this exam, getting an “excellent” rating.


Department of Algebra and Systems Analysis

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