Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

“Education for Sustainable Development”

The Faculty of Natural Sciences took part in the III All-Ukrainian Forum “Education for Sustainable Development” (Kyiv).

On April 12-13, 2017, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine together with the All-Ukrainian Ecological League and the National Ecological and Naturalistic Center for Students of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine held the All-Ukrainian Forum “Education for Sustainable Development”.

The purpose of the Forum was to discuss the draft document “The Strategy of Sustainable Development of Ukraine for the period until 2030” and the objectives of education for its implementation; assistance to the cooperation of state authorities, local self-government, public organizations, science; Increasing the level of responsibility and interest in cross-sectoral cooperation; establishment and strengthening of international cooperation in the preservation of the environment.

The event was attended by scientists, heads of educational departments of universities, who train environmental specialists, teachers of general and extracurricular educational institutions, heads of children’s non-governmental organizations, managers of environmental education of the institutions of the natural reserve fund, representatives of public environmental organizations, students of higher educational establishments, and the environmental community of Ukraine.

The welcoming remarks were made by:

  • The Advisor to the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, Oleg Boychenko read out greetings to the Forum participants from the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, Ostap Mykhailovych Semirak;
  • Volodymyr Valentinovych Verbitsky, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine, Director of the National Ecological and Naturalistic Center for Students of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine;
  • Olena Viktorvna Pashchenko, coordinator of the All-Ukrainian Children’s Union “Environmental Guard”, environmental league, chairman of the National Ecological Council of Ukraine;
  • Kateryna Corvin-Piotrovska, manager of the project “Integration of the Rio Convention’s provisions into the national policy of Ukraine” UNDP in Ukraine.

Matsai Natalia Yurievna, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University made a speech at the plenary session “The Strategy for Sustainable Development of Ukraine for the period up to 2030: strategic vision, guidelines and vectors” and at the panel discussion “Best Practices of Education for Sustainable Development in Higher and Post-Graduate Education”.

During the work of the Forum there were discussion areas and round tables on the topics: “Implementation of the principles of education for sustainable development in general education institutions and the system of preschool education”; “Best practices of education for sustainable development in higher and postgraduate education”; “Out-of-school education: achievements and prospects for the implementation of the Strategy for Sustainable Development”; “The activities of public organizations in the implementation of education for sustainable development”; “Preservation, restoration of terrestrial and marine ecosystems, as well as the promotion of a balanced use of their resources: environmental education of the PZF institutions”.

Also, the thematic exhibition “Environmental Education: the Regional Aspect” and the presentation and business zone “The Practical Action Card for Teachers”, where scientific and methodical developments, manuals, programs, script development, development of classes of circles and electives, as well as handouts to the best practices of the activities of general education, extracurricular and higher rapid institutions, scientific institutions, public organizations working in the field of environmental education were represented.


According to the Faculty of Natural Sciences

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