Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Brilliant Victory

A student of the Educational and Research Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology won the II stage of the All-Ukrainian Olympiad in Social Pedagogy.

The All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in “Social Pedagogy” is a large-scale educational event that unites students from all over Ukraine.

The Olympiad was held in two stages: university, in which the best students were selected in educational institutions, and All-Ukrainian – the final stage, where the participants presented their professional knowledge, skills and creative work. This year the II stage was held at H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University. The organizers of the event showed real hospitality: cognitive excursions, a festive concert and a master class on scenario skills, which was conducted by the Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences N.N. Shut, were held for the participants.

Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University was represented by the fourth-year student Oleg Chernysh (the scientific adviser is Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Natalia Otroshchenko) and the third-year student Kateryna Evonova (the scientific adviser is Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Natalia Krasnova). According to the participants, preparations for the Olympiad were very thorough. The great support was provided by the scientific leaders, teachers of the Department and the Director of the Educational and Research Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology O.L. Karaman.

The II stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in Social Pedagogy included 3 rounds: theoretical, scientific (public defense of one’s own scientific research) and practical (demonstration of a fragment of a social and pedagogical event). 38 participants fought for the victory, and 20 jury members from many universities in Ukraine evaluated the work of students. The most difficult and responsible was the defense of scientific research, where the jury evaluated the contestants on many criteria, including: relevance, scientific novelty and practical significance, originality of the work, culture of the report, etc. After the presentation of the research, students had to thoroughly answer a large number of questions of the jury.

Oleg Chernysh presented the scientific work on the topic “The activity of a social teacher in the formation of value orientations of pupils of the comprehensive school in the front-line zone (on the example of the territory controlled by the Ukrainian authorities of the Luhansk region).” The novelty and uniqueness of the research consisted in the development and experimental verification of the socio-pedagogical technology of the formation of value orientations of pupils of the comprehensive school in the front zone, which is especially relevant in modern realities. Together with the scientific adviser Natalia L. Otroshchenko, the student has been working on the problems of students of the front-line zone for the second year. He published in International and All-Ukrainian scientific editions and has the experience of social and pedagogical activity in the services for children and the charitable organization “BWO” IBO “BF SOS Children’s Village.”

The report of the third-year student of our university Kateryna Evonova, who demonstrated high knowledge and qualitative preparation, became solid and confident. With the support of the scientific adviser Natalia Krasnova, she presented a research on the topic “Socio-pedagogical prevention of the aggressive behavior of children affected by the military conflict in the East of Ukraine”. Recently Kateryna became the winner of the second stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Scientific Works Contest, which was held at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, and she confirmed this title with a worthy performance in Kharkiv.

According to the results of three rounds, by the unanimous decision of the jury, the fourth-year student Oleg Chernysh won in the All-Ukrainian Students Olympiad in Social Pedagogy, who during the years of his studies proved to be a diligent student with professional and scientific knowledge and skills. This victory is welcome for Oleg, because last year he took part in the All-Ukrainian Olympiad, which was held at Zaporizhzhya National University. Having received the experience of public speaking and having acquired the necessary knowledge, the student managed to demonstrate a high level in 2017.

A major role in the formation of Oleg was played by the scientific adviser – the Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Natalia Leonidovna Otroshchenko, who supported the student for two years, gave valuable advice and recommendations.


So, despite the temporary evacuation of the University, the Department of Social Pedagogy remains the leader of social and pedagogical education and science in Ukraine, because it has a powerful scientific school under the guidance of the Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor S.Ya Kharchenko. Students majoring in “Social Pedagogy” under the direction of teachers continue to demonstrate high results of scientific activity, glorifying the name of the native Alma Mater.


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