Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

“Education for Sustainable Development – for Preschool Children”

The Professor of the Department of Preschool and Primary Education held a presentation seminar with the elements of the training “Education for Sustainable Development – for Preschool Children”.

It has already become a good tradition at the Department of Preschool and Primary Education to cooperate and exchange experience with practicing educators, methodologists, heads of kindergartens. This week, the Professor of the Department Natalia Gavrysh held a presentation seminar with the elements of the training “Education for Sustainable Development – for Preschool Children”, where the preschool teachers of Starobilsk were present.

At the beginning of the seminar N.V. Gavrysh noted: “If every person in the world supported the same lifestyle and consumption level as residents of Ukraine, we would need two more such planets. If we continue to exploit the Earth at the same pace as now, our future will be in jeopardy.” Consequently, the leading idea of ​​sustainable development can be formulated in this way: it is necessary to achieve harmony between people on the one hand and society and nature on the other.

The participants of the seminar had an opportunity to get acquainted with the leading principles of the pedagogy of empowerment; To realize the necessity of introducing the concept of sustainable development in the educational process of pre-school educational institutions. In connection with the urgency of the problem, the seminar was crowned with a lively discussion between the participants.

Also, at the end of the seminar N.V. Gavrysh congratulated the winners of the Olympiad and presented the author’s achievements on the problem of sustainable development in the pre-school sphere.

Participants of the seminar wish everyone harmony with nature and themselves.


According to the Department
of Preschool and Primary Education

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