Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Resource Center

The Resource Center was restored in the Educational and Research Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology.

In the second half of the 90s of the 20th century, when the training of specialists in the field of social pedagogy / social work was started at the University, the Resource Center was created on the basis of the Department of Social Pedagogy. Its purpose was to provide social workers, social educators, representatives of public organizations, volunteers, researchers, teachers and students with information, methodological, advisory and technical assistance in the educational and professional activities.

Within 20 years, scientific, educational, methodological and methodical literature on the theory and practice of social, pedagogical, psychological and legal assistance to various categories of the population sprinkled into the Resource Center. The literature came from all regions of Ukraine and abroad as part of the participation of the Department in various international projects. On the eve of the war, in 2014, the book fund of the Resource Center had more than 3,000 copies. It was one of the largest resource centers in Ukraine, on the basis of which dissertational and master studies, course projects were carried out; scientific and practical conferences and seminars were organized, etc.

One of the active suppliers of literature was the Public Organization “La Strada-Ukraine”, which carries out human rights, educational, social, pedagogical and publishing activities in Ukraine with the financial support of the European Commission, the Council of Europe, the Renaissance Foundation, the Open Society Institute, the Organization On Security and Cooperation in Europe and the Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, UNICEF, UNIFEM, and others.

Having learned about the fate of the Resource Center in Luhansk, the shortage of scientific, methodological and information literature for the qualitative training of specialists in the social sphere, the organization “La Strada-Ukraine” initiated the revival of the Resource Center at the University in the city of Starobilsk.

On April 5, 2017, more than 100 copies of teaching aids and methodical recommendations on contemporary subjects were handed over to the Director of the ER IPP Olena L. Karaman, such as:

  • Socio-educational and psychological assistance to families with children in the period of military conflict;
  • Socio-pedagogical and psychological work with children in the conflict and post-conflict period;
  • Development of the world: prevention and resolution of conflict using mediation: socio-pedagogical aspect;
  • Aggression. Annexation. Conflict: socio-pedagogical and psychological response to challenges for children, etc.

Being an active member of the Ukrainian Association of Social Educators and Social Workers, the Department has been and remains the educational and scientific center for the development of social pedagogy and social work in Ukraine. At the department, there was a powerful scientific school under the guidance of the Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine Serhii Ya. Kharchenko. Now scientific researches are carried out on the actual problems of social pedagogy and social work, in particular, the problems of various categories of population in the ATO zone.

Therefore, the revival of the Resource Center is the basis for the development of scientific research on the problem of hybrid war in the East of Ukraine and the consolidation of the university status of the scientific center for these studies in Ukraine.


According to the Educational and Research
Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology

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