Winners Award
Winners of Olympiad in social pedagogy were awarded on February 9. The Olympiad was held on February 5 – 6 at the premises of LNU Starobilsk faculty.
Honorary awards were presented to the Olympiad winners by the members of jury:
S.Ya. Kharchenko, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, head of the Department of Social Pedagogy; O.L. Karaman, director of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor; N.P. Krasnova, candidate of pedagogical sciences, docent of the Department of Social Pedagogy; N.L. Otroshchenko, candidate of pedagogical sciences, docent of the Department of Social Pedagogy.
I place was taken by Olena Bondar, 5 year student of Starobilsk faculty;
II place – Maryna Hiunter, 5 year student of Starobilsk faculty;
Kateryna Napuda, 3 year student of Starobilsk faculty;
III place – Alina Shcherbak, 3 year student of Starobilsk faculty;
Daryna Hozhenko, 3 year student of Starobilsk faculty.
Kateryna Voronkina, 3 year student of Starobilsk faculty, won the creativity competition “My Profession is a Social Pedagogue”.
Olena Bondar (the scientific supervisor is N.L. Otroshchenko) and Kateryna Napuda (the scientific supervisor is N.P. Krasnova) will represent the university at the all-Ukrainian level at Zaporizhzhya National University.
Good luck!