Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

“Trainee Day”

A traditional evening “Trainee Day” took place at the Institute of History, International Relations, Social and Political Sciences.  

Institute of History, International Relations, Social and Political Sciences, the legendary “Istfak” is one of the oldest structural subdivisions of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University. This institute is a truly cultural phenomenon, its graduates are carriers of interesting and unusual traditions.

One such tradition is the celebration of the Trainee Day on the last Friday of March. Why does this holiday have such an unusual name? It is a separate story. However, the Trainee Day is both the meeting of the graduates, and the birthday of the Institute at the same time. By the way, last Friday the Institute of History, International Relations, Social and Political Sciences turned 83 years old.

In 2017, as always, the Trainee Day was held according to all traditions. The event began with the execution of the legendary institute song “As always”, then graduates of different years, despite status and rank, performed with various numbers – joked, sang, demonstrated their theatrical abilities. Among them were songs for each group of graduates compiled and executed by the Director of the Institute L.Ts. Vakhovsky, a conference by the Deputy Director A.V. Bader, incendiary performance of hits by K.M. Kotelenets, a humorous performance by the girls of the Institute and, of course, a theatrical improvisation by the Rector of the University S.V. Savchenko and the Chairman of the Regional Trade Union of Educators S.V. Sevryuk.

The artistic part was completed by the execution of the anthem of the Institute. However, the evening did not end there, there were also dances, songs, communication and in general, as they say – the sequel follows.


According to the Deputy Director of the IHIRSPS

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