Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Meeting of the Academic Council

The planned meeting of the Academic Council was held at Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University.

There were two main issues on the agenda:

  • the state and prospects of work to ensure the fight against academic plagiarism in the scientific and educational processes;
  • the results of the work of specialized scientific councils and the implementation of the state budget themes in 2016.

At the beginning of the meeting, awards, received at the VIII International Exhibition “Modern Educational Establishments – 2017”, were handed. The Diploma of the Grand Prix “Leader of Higher Education” was awarded to the Rector of the University Serhii V. Savchenko. He also was awarded with the Honorary Diploma for fruitful work and active organizational work on the modernization of the national education system.

The Director of the Educational and Research Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology Olena Karaman was awarded with the gold medal and diplomas in the thematic nomination “Modern Socio-psychological and Pedagogical Technologies for Supporting Children and Adults in a Crisis Situation”. The director of the Lysychansk Pedagogical College Halyna M. Minenko was awarded in the thematic nomination “Innovative Approaches in Educational Institutions to the Process of Forming a Creative Personality and Education of a Citizen-Patriot”.

The director of the Bryanka ​​College of LTSNU M.S. Sapizhak, the head of the Educational and Methodical Department M.A. Semenov, the head of the Marketing Department I.O. Lysenko, the specialist of the 1st category of the Marketing Department О.P. Anisimova were awarded with the Diploma for effective educational, scientific and organizational activities aimed at improving the quality of national education. The certificate of quality of scientific publications was handed to S.A. Vovk.

O.S. Meniailenko, D.V. Uzhchenko and S.A. Vovk spoke about “The state and prospects of work to ensure the fight against academic plagiarism in the scientific and educational processes”. After hearing and discussing the reports, the Academic Council noted that the University had joined the all-Ukrainian movement to prevent and detect plagiarism.

LTSNU has a mechanism to combat plagiarism in research work, which provides for the prevention of plagiarism in manuscripts of articles that are submitted to scientific journals, dissertations and student scientific works. The audit of this scientific product on plagiarism is organized by editors of scientific journals, heads, scientific secretaries of specialized scientific councils for the protection of dissertations and scientific supervisors of student scientific works.

The mechanism to combat plagiarism in the educational process presupposes the responsibility of teachers and heads of departments. But due to the complexity of the process of identifying plagiarism, this system requires improvement, and it is necessary to intensify the work on the formation of a culture of fighting plagiarism and cheating.

The academic honesty among students is the key to an objective assessment of knowledge and the process of awarding scholarships. Therefore, it is very important to form the culture of integrity among students, the formation of which is one of the main tasks of student self-government.

Today, in organizing the work of the University to ensure the fight against academic plagiarism, there remain problems in the scientific and educational processes that require prompt resolution.

The report “The results of the work of specialized scientific councils and the implementation of state budget themes in 2016″ was made by S.V. Savchenko, L.T. Vakhovsky, I.S. Mikhalsky, O.L. Karaman, V.P. Khmel, I.F. Kononov. Having heard and discussed the reports, the Academic Council recognized the work of the specialized scientific councils as satisfactory, and approved the reports of the scientific advisers of the state budget topics.

Among the Miscellaneous was the recommendation to publish collections of scientific works, monographs, collections of methodological developments, guidelines; the topic of three Ph.D. dissertations were approved. In addition, the Academic Council decided to apply to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to open a doctorate in specialty 015 “Professional education” (by specializations).

Oleg Chernysh, Press Center of LTSNU

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