Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Games Among Students

The Spartakiad in seven kinds of sports began among students of all specialties at the Educational and Research Institute of Physical Education and Sports.

The football, volleyball, streetball, table tennis, chess, checkers and darts competitions started. The first to start were participants in chess and checkers games. According to preliminary results of the checkers competitions among men, I place was taken by the student majoring in “Physical Culture and Sports. Sports” Vitalii Kondratenko, II place – Oleksii Makortov, 2nd year student majoring in “Physical Education”, III place – Serhii Sinyansky, 2nd year student majoring in “Physical Education”. In the team competition the specialty “Physical Education” is confidently leading, the specialty “Sports” took the second place and the specialty “Human Health” took the third place.

In chess competitions the first place was taken by the 1st year student majoring in “Physical Culture and Sports. Sports” Vitalii Kondratenko, the second place – Serhii Sinyansky, 2nd year student majoring in “Physical Education”, the third place – Konstantin Poltoratsky, 1st year student majoring in “Secondary Education. Human health”. In the team classification, the places were distributed as follows: I place – the specialty “Sports”, II place – the specialty “Physical Education”, III place – the specialty “Human Health”.

In the darts competition among the first-year students, Yulia Zhigailova (575 points) took the leading position, II place was taken by Oleg Pavlov (475 points), and III place was taken by Anatoly Koval (435 points).

Among the boys of the second year, the places were as follows: I place – Yaroslav Onishchenko (specialty “Sports”), II place – Serhii Sinyansky (specialty “Physical Education”) and III place – Dmytro Boldarev (the specialty “Physical Education”).

Among the girls of the 2nd year I place was taken by Valeria Ryzhkova (specialty “Human Health”), II place – Olena Zinova (specialty “Physical Education”) and III place – Darya Kalnitska (specialty “Human Health”).

The competitions in volleyball, futsal, table tennis and streetball continue. We wish the participants further successes in the competitions of the Spartakiad.


According to information of the IPES

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