Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка


The exhibition of the preschool institution “Nezabudka” was interesting and innovative in the regional exhibition “Modern Educational Establishments – 2017”.

During the work of the regional exhibition “Modern Educational Establishments – 2017” our University became a place of lively debate of teachers, discussion of actual problems of pedagogical work, presentation of unique teaching materials. Everyone was able to learn about the educational establishments of Starobilsk and their achievements.

In particular, the experience of the pre-school educational establishment number 5 “Nezabudka” was interesting. The garden educators create developmental domain-gaming space required for the formation of generations of fully-developed youth. Paying attention to each child, teachers implement in their work the principles of museum pedagogy.

The museum pedagogy is an area of activity, which transmits cultural experience based on the interdisciplinary approach through pedagogical process in the museum environment. The preschool teachers consider the museum as an educational system that is capable of forming personal emotional attitude to the exhibits, creating appropriate conditions for the formation of attitudes and creativity.

The staff of the kindergarten pay attention to the methodical work, self-development and improvement of professional skills. Lyudmila V. Zubenko has been working in kindergartens for 15 years, and now she continues to learn and improve her own skills. Now she is studying at Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, she has publications in scientific journals and is a leader of the regional methodical association in the kindergarten.

Recognizing the important role of preschool institutions in preparing children for school, teachers actively cooperate with Starobilsk gymnasium and involve parents and teachers to work. No less important are the children’s trips to the library, Luhansk Regional Museum and House of Art. Pupils learn about the cultural and educational activities and prospects for further education.

According to preschool workers, educators’ efforts focus on the identification and development of the abilities and talents of children, and their all-round development.

The activities of the pre-school educational establishment number 5 “Nezabudka” is an example of active creative work of educators and constant parental support that provides pupils a happy childhood.


Oleg Chernysh, press center of LTSNU

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