Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

“The Figurative Word of Luhansk Region”

The results of the Regional Creative Contest named after Viktor Uzhchenko “The Figurative Word of Luhansk Region” were summed up.

The Faculty of Ukrainian Philology and Social Communications summed up the results of the Regional Creative Contest among pupils and students named after Viktor Uzhchenko “The Figurative Word of Luhansk Region.”

This contest took place at Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University. The purpose of the contest was to identify talented young people among pupils and students of vocational schools, colleges, lyceums, higher education institutions in order to develop their creative abilities and scientific capacity; to educate youth in the spirit of patriotism and love for the native land, history, language, customs and traditions; form the positive image of the eastern region in Ukraine and the world.

Pupils of the eleventh and ninth forms, students of vocational schools, colleges, high schools, and higher education institutions were invited to participate in the contest.

The contest presented works of pupils of secondary schools, gymnasiums of Svatove, Markovski, Popasnjansky, Novopskovsky, Troitsky districts, cities of Lysychansk, Severodonetsk, Starobilsk, Svatove as well as students of Lysychansk and Starobilsk Colleges.

Contestants were proposed the following topics:

  • A figurative word in my life.
  • Ukrainian language – for me and for all.
  • The language – the soul of the people.
  • Ukrainian language – native, trendy, unique.
  • Luhansk region is a Ukrainian dawn.
  • My literary endeavors.
  • There is no Ukraine without a willow and a viburnum.
  • Genus, family, genealogy.
  • Have historical roots.
  • Folk traditions in the modern world.
  • The East vocabulary and phraseology.

Contestants competed in the following categories: “Poetry”, “Prose”, “Research Work”. Winners were determined in each category.

Among the participants of the Regional Creative Contest named after Viktor Uzhchenko “The Figurative Word of Luhansk Region” jury selected the winners:

The category “POETRY”

1st place – Olena Gribenko (Higher Vocational School No. 92, the city of Severodonetsk, a pupil of the group 2 – 3),

2nd place – Valeria Surina (Novoznamenskaya Comprehensive School of I – II degrees, a pupil of the ninth form), Vladislav Tsymbal (Privolska Comprehensive School of I – III degree, the village of Privol’ye, a pupil of the ninth form), Bogdan Gaydydey (Svatovska Comprehensive School of I – III degree No. 6, a pupil of the ninth form).

3rd place – Oleksii Palchikov (Popasnyanska Comprehensive School of I – III stages No. 24, Luhansk region, the pupil of the eleventh form), Iryna Gontarenko (Lysychansk Pedagogical College of LTSNU, the city of Lysychansk, a student), Valeria Pasishnik (Kalmikovska Secondary School of I-III degree, a pupil of the ninth form).

The category “PROSE”

1st place – Yulia Murlin (Markovska Grammar School, a pupil of the ninth form),

2nd place – Matvey Ostroverkhov (Kolomiycheska Comprehensive School of I – III degrees of Svatovsky District Council, Luhansk region, a pupil of the eleventh form), Alina Glotova (Oborotnovska Comprehensive School of I – III degrees, Svatovsky District Council, Luhansk region, a pupil of the eleventh form),

3rd place – Daria Yemelyanova (Severodonetsk Comprehensive School No. 15, a pupil of the eleventh form), Elyzaveta Bondarchuk (Miluvatska Comprehensive School of I – III degree, a pupil of the tenth form).


1st place – Andrei Goryachkin (Lysychansk Pedagogical College, a student),

2nd place – Ylyana Lavrova (Voevodska Comprehensive School of I – II degrees, a pupil of the ninth form), Snezhana Bogomolova (Starobilsk Humanitarian and Pedagogical College of LTSNU, a 4th year student).

3 rd place – Vira Tyndyk (Severodonetsk Secondary School No. 10, a pupil of the tenth form), Lyubov Velichko (Miluvatska Comprehensive School of I-III degree, a pupil of the tenth form).

The laureates of the individual categories were:


Marina Chuprina (Starobilsk Humanitarian and Pedagogical College of LTSNU”, a 1st year student), Nazar Baturkin (Pisarevska Comprehensive School of I – II degrees of Novopskov District Council, Luhansk region, a pupil of the ninth form), Olesya Sidorenko (Comprehensive School of I – III degrees of Popasnjansky District Council, Luhansk region, a pupil of the eight form).


Yulia Bosyuk (Troitska Grammar School, a pupil of the tenth form).


Ksenia Kalamayka (Svatovskaya Comprehensice School of I – III degree number 6, a pupil of the ninth form).


Yl’yana Lavrova (Voevodska Comprehensive School of I – II degrees, a pupil of the ninth form), the grandmother Tetyana I. Potanina.

The Organizing Committee would like to thank all the teachers, scientific advisors and all who prepared the pupils and students to participate in the contest, in particular O.V. Kalamayko (Svatovskaya Comprehensive School of I – III degree No. 6.), M.V. Kravchenko, L.Y. Tarariva (Lysychansk Pedagogical College), O.V. Verkhovod (Starobilsk Humanitarian and Pedagogical College of LTSNU), N.M. Huhryanska (Miluvatska Comprehensive School of I – III degrees), and others.

We wish success and new victories!

According to the Faculty of Ukrainian Philology
and Social Communications

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