Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

The Rectorate Meeting

Today LTSNU held a regular Rectorate Meeting.

Two main issues were considered on the agenda:

  • the organization of the student self-government bodies in the Educational and Research Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology;
  • the state and prospects of development of Lysychansk Pedagogical College.

At the beginning of the meeting, members of the student government of the Educational and Research Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, who showed activity, perseverance and leadership qualities, were awarded with diplomas.

O.L. Karaman and the Chairman of the Student Directorate of the Educational and Research Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology I. Maslovska spoke about the organization of the work of the student government in the Educational and Research Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology.

Having heard and discussed their reports, the university administration mentioned that the Institute revived the work of the student government in the difficult circumstances of our time.

The results of the educational and research work of students of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology only in 2016 was holding of the 1st stage of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers and Ukrainian student competition in all specialties; holding of all-Ukrainian and regional scientific conferences on the basis of the University.

In the direction of volunteering and charity representatives of the IPP are actively cooperating with various charities and organizations in Austria, the USA and Japan. So, the International Charitable Organization “Charitable Foundation” SOS Children’s Small Towns “and the Center for Psychosocial Adaptation of the city of Starobilsk work on the voluntary basis.

The active external student activities of IPP contributes to the destruction of stereotypes and negative perceptions about the inhabitants of the East of Ukraine, according to the image of the University as an outpost of Ukrainians in the east. Important steps of the external activities of the student government of IPP is the work of the members of the student government within the program of the British Council in Ukraine “Active Citizens Project 2015 – 2016”, learning and exchange of experience with student parliaments of Sumy and Drohobych Universities, a roundtable with members of the student government of Taras Shevchenko Chernihiv National Pedagogical University, the participation of a representative of the student self-government bodies of the IPP as a part of the university delegation to the scientific-practical conference “Modern University Embracing Change” in the University of  Cambridge.

Job prospects of the student government of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology towards the realization of external relations is to increase the mobility of students by developing student exchange practices among universities in Ukraine; participation in international exchange of students; cooperation with domestic and foreign youth organizations.

G.N. Minenko spoke about the status and prospects of development of Lysychansk Pedagogical College. The Rectorate noted that Lysychansk Pedagogical College of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University successfully works on training a new generation of specialists, capable of rapid professional and personal change in the dynamic society with a solid training and formed a conscious citizenship.

The total number of students is 398 people, 42 teachers provide the educational process. The career-oriented work uses a variety of approaches and forms, in particular the regional festival of creative youth “Constellation Lullaby of Donbass”, the literary online competition “Solovinye Dali”, the creative vernissage of student products “Fair of Hobbies”, the ecological online photo contest.

The educational and professional training of students is carried out on a solid material and technical basis, using effective pedagogical techniques, various forms of e-learning, functioning of the blogosphere, the modern information environment.


The teaching staff of the College is an active promoter of its own achievements and the latest achievements of Pedagogy during seminars, conferences, workshops, involving educational community of the city, region, oblast, country. The teachers actively integrate their activities with the University scientists that has a positive effect on the development of the continuous pedagogical education.


A special attention should be given to the national-patriotic education of youth, experience in the field of inclusive education, the introduction of ICT-technologies, improvement of the work to increase the civil initiatives of youth and student government.

Oleg Cherysh, press center of LTSNU

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