Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Intellectual Game

An intellectual game dedicated to the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was held in Colleges of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University.

So, the thematic intellectual game devoted to the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was held in Starobilsk Humanitarian and Pedagogical College and College of LTSNU.

Preparing young people for military service, execution of their personal and civil protection debt of Ukraine is one of the main tasks of the state, any institution and any person.

The future of all of us depends on how today students will be developed physically and intellectually, as well as how they will be responsible for dealing.

Students were invited to participate in the thematic intellectual game “Brain Ring” dedicated to the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in order to check the students’ knowledgeable about the history and characteristics of military service, as well as matters related to it.

Teams of Starobilsk Humanitarian and Pedagogical College and College of LTSNU competed.

During the event, students had the opportunity to demonstrate their erudition and knowledge of subjects such as the history of Ukraine and the National defense.

Both teams showed good results in an interesting tense struggle, but the team of Starobilsk Humanitarian and Pedagogical College won with a difference of only 1 point.

All participants in the competitions and fans received positive emotions and enriched their knowledge of new facts about the history and characteristics of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


According to Starobilsk Humanitarian and Pedagogical College
and the College of LTSNU

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