Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

The military-patriotic education classes

The military-patriotic education classes were held within preparation for the 25th anniversary of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The officers of the group “Luhansk” held classes on military-patriotic education for students of the LTSNU College. They told students about the current state and the new functions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, implemented by the civil-military co-operation units.

It was already the second meeting, which the officers carried out at our University. It is nice that the soldiers expressed their desire to hold such a lecture-conversation. Teachers of LTSNU supported them. In particular, the officers found support from the deputy director on educational work of LTSNU College Yulia N. Ivanova, who is very concerned about her students.

At the end of the meeting, a tour of the museum of Starobilsk State Teachers’ Institute was held for the officers of civil-military cooperation. They were amazed by the stand, covering the history of public education of the late XIX century – beginning of the twentieth century in Starobilsk, artifacts, photos and documents on the history of the Teachers’ Institute, as well as numerous ethnographic artifacts. They all were collected thanking to students headed by Associate Professor of Political Science and Law, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Olga I. Bublik.


According to the Student Social Service of LTSNU

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