First Aid Courses
The first aid courses were held in the Center for Psychosocial Adaptation.
The First Aid is a complex of urgent measures for a man who suddenly fell ill or suffered from the effects of external factors before transferring under the care of qualified medical personnel.
Despite comprehensive awareness of people about the potential dangers of sudden illness and trauma occur quite often. At this moment first aid provided in time plays a big role.
In order to increase public awareness and the formation of practical skills of rendering first aid, free workshops for students of LTSNU took place in the Center for Psychosocial Adaptation. The event was held with the support of the Student Social Service of our University.
The most topical is formation of practical skills of providing first aid, that at the time of the actual situation will allow to respond as quickly as possible and save lives. That is why the students do not only acquire theoretical knowledge, but also reinforced them with practical exercises.
The Maltese Aid Service, which provided materials and equipment for training courses, contributed to the organization of training. Thanks to modern training dummy, which reproduced in detail the human heart and lungs, the students were able to validate the performance of their operations and to obtain the necessary skills.
One of the major problems of modern education is the formation of a fully developed personality capable to think critically and make decisions quickly in any situation. Medical knowledge and skills is a prerequisite for a healthy nation and a developed country.
Oleg Chernysh, press center of LTSNU