Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

The Sports Season is Opened

The Open University Futsal Championship opened the sports season in the academic year 2016-2017.

Thirteen teams were involved in the fight for the Cup. In the first stage, the competition was carried out in groups, and in the second stage, the group winners determined the owner of the University Cup in the final. The Educational and Research Institute of Trade, Customer Services and Tourism kindly provided the memorable cup.

The groups were led by the team that in the past academic year were winners of championships and tournaments of the University. The team of Lysychansk Pedagogical College headed the group «A».  Lysychansk players confidently defeated debutants of the championship – the freshmen team of the Research and Educational Institute of Physics, Mathematics and Information Technologies with a score of 17:0. In the second match, the Pedagogical College opposed to the junior students of the ER ITCST 2. Students resisted the well-balanced team of the Pedagogical College, but lost with a score of 7:4. Lysychansk players scored six points, won the first place in the group and advanced to the final four.

The futsal players of the Educational and Research Institute of Physical Education and Sports quite easily held the group stage. The team consisted of the third year students, studied in Starobilsk. First, they defeated the team “Zarya”, which was composed of representatives of three structural subdivisions, with a score of 7:0. Then they sent 19 “dry” balls into the gates of the freshmen team of the ER ITCST. They came in the final four with the maximum result.

The teams of the Group “B”, headed by the RCPE Starobilsk Department demonstrated passion and tenacity on the playground and proved their skills. As expected, the leader RCPE spent games with confidence and took the first place. First, they beat debutants – freshmen team “Phenix” of the Faculty of Ukrainian Philology and Social Communications with a score of 14:2, and then beat the representatives of the Educational and Research Institute of Economy and Business with a score of 13:2.

The Group “G” included the strongest teams. It was headed by the team of teachers and staff “Alma – mater”, representatives of the ER IPMIT – 3, the team of the College of LTSNU, which is young, ambitious, very mobile, but without sufficient experience and the combined team “Atamans”.

The first match “Alma-mater” – “Atamans” demonstrated that it would be difficult for the team “Alma-mater” to defend its leading position. Because all the teams, that claim to prizes, added to the high-speed action with the ball on the playground. This leads to a high-speed game for two halves with good physical form. The team “Alma-mater” did not have such form in this championship. Although they won the first match against “Atamans” thanking to the experience with a score of 7: 6, in the other two matches they lost with the same score – 9: 4 and took the fourth place in the group.

The leader of the group were representatives of the College of LTSNU who won the hearts of fans by their playing. A dynamic game, a good playing with the ball and the well-aimed shots of bombardiers led the team to victory in the group, beating all its rivals with the accounts: “ER IPMIT-3” – 7:0, “Alma-mater” – 9: 4, “Atamans” – 6:1.

Compared to last year we can say that the skill level of the teams increased. The boys want to go to the gym to practice their physical training, a variety of sports. During the first stage of the competitions, fans witnessed 188 goals scored in 15 games, an average of 12 for the match. Boredom was not necessary. Everybody were waiting for the final four games, in particular the confrontation between Lysychansk Pedagogical College and ER IPES. But it was the last match of the championship and it had yet to be reached. It was easier to do it for Lysychansk players because they needed to play against the team of the RCPE. It should be noted the desire of the RCPE players to confront their opponents, but the college students were stronger and confidently beat the youth with a score of 12:0.

The match ER IPES – College of LTSNU was very interesting. In other words it was experience against passin. Many fans vigorously supported the active successful actions by both teams. Fast attack rolled on the gates of both teams. The captain of the team of the ER IPES Artem Skachkov activelyorganized the attacks and managed to finish them. He scored five times in this match. He opened the score at the sixth minute and doubled it at the tenth minute. At the 19th minute teams exchanged goals and went on the break with the score of 3:1 in favor of the ER IPES. During the second half, the ER IPES students controlled the situation on the ground and as a result won with a score of 9: 3.

The main fight – Lysychanck Pedagogical College against the Educational Research Institute of Physical Education and Sports. Before it was a match for the III place of the College of LNU and the RCPE, which ended with a score of 8:1.

Teams that played in the final, have already met in the final last year when Lysychansk Pedagogical College was the winner. Will be a rematch this year? The game started with bilateral sharp attacks.

At the beginning of the game, Maksym Reshetnyak could open a score, but did not get into the empty gates of LPC. At the seventh minute, Vyacheslav Jurkov forced Serhii Hurda to get the ball out of his gates. During only one minute, Lysychansk players led into account. At the 8th minute Dmytro Verkhovod restored the balance.

The game was dynamic. At the 14th minute, again Yurkov made the ER IPES start with the center of the field. At 19th minute, the teams exchanged goals and went on the break with the score of 3:2 in favor of Lysychansk Pedagogical College.

The intensity of the struggle in the second half increased. Students of the ER IPES Mykhailo Nosal, Maksym Reshetnyak, Dmytro Verkhovod had several opportunities to hit the gate, but did not hit the target. While their opponents used such opportunities. At the end of the match were two goals of Danylo Tsukanov and the score of 5:3 in favor of Lysychansk Pedagogical College. Only a brilliant game in the gates of Sergii Hurda kept the IPES students from the devastating account.

At the end of the championship, the Vice-Rector of the University O.I. Babichev and the Chairman of the Trade Union Organization V.P. Moroz handed the Cup and the Certificate to the winner – the team of Lysychansk Pedagogical College. The ER IPES took the 2nd place, College of LNU – the 3rd place.

The best scorer with 12 goals was Danylo Tsukanov (Lysychansk Pedagogical College), and the best player was recognized Artem Skachkov (IPES).


Chairman of the Sport Club
P.V. Yaroshenko

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