Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Ceramic Workshop

Work is in full swing in the ceramic workshop of the Department of Fine and Decorative Arts of the Educational and Research Institute of Arts!

Here everyone immerses themselves in the world of creativity, mastering the secrets of pottery and improving their skills in working with clay.

Ceramics is an art that combines craft, imagination and aesthetics. Unique products are created in the workshop: from traditional Ukrainian dishes to modern sculptural compositions. The teachers of the department share their invaluable experience with students, help them experiment with sculpting, painting and glazing techniques.

Thanks to constant practice and inspiration, everyone has the opportunity to embody their own creative ideas in clay and ceramics, creating real masterpieces. The workshop is filled with an atmosphere of inspiration, where everyone will find their own style and unique approach to art.

The Department of Fine and Decorative Arts of LTSNU is proud of its talents who are not afraid to experiment, open new horizons of creativity and develop the art of ceramics. There are still many interesting ideas and new achievements ahead!


Department of Fine and Decorative Arts, ER IA

© Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, 2007-2025