Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Open Lecture at the Starobilsk Professional College

An open lecture was held at the Starobilsk Professional College within the educational component “Children’s English Literature”.

An open lecture on the topic “English Children’s Literature in the XIX century” was held at the Starobilsk Professional College for students majoring in “Primary Education. Language and Literature (English)”. The lecture was given by the teacher Yulia Koteneva as part of the procedure for the next certification of teaching staff.

The lecture was attended by students of the Starobilsk Professional College of LTSNU, other college teachers, representatives of the certification commission and other interested listeners. Those present had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the wonderful world of children’s literature of the Victorian era and learn about the development of English literary fairy tales in the 19th century, recall from the works of English writers the artistic images of Peter Pan, Winnie the Pooh, Mary Poppins, the heroes of “Treasure Island”, Gulliver, Robinson Crusoe and even the Hobbits.

The audience was interested in the lecturer’s story about the life and work of the famous English writer, mathematician, logician, deacon and photographer Lewis Carroll, interspersed with illustrations for works, including “Alice in Wonderland”, “Alice Through the Looking Glass”, “The Hunting of the Snark” and others.

During the lecture, the lecturer spoke about the creative history of writing Lewis Carroll’s fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland”, which arose under the influence of real events and real people; characterized the features of the artistic language of the work, giving examples of puns, phraseological units, figurative verse in both Ukrainian and English.

During the discussion of the lecture, members of the certification commission and those present noted that the lesson was full of problematic issues, the teacher successfully used techniques for developing critical thinking in students. A visual supplement to the lecturer’s story was a presentation with thematic illustrations, a video presentation of the book trailer of the analyzed work.


Starobilsk Professional College

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