Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Cycle-esteem lessons

The cycle-esteem lessons was held at the Starobilsk Humanitarian Pedagogical College and at the College of LNU.

Lessons of dignity for college students, which took place in May, conducted by representatives of the group of civil-military cooperation (WAN) APU. They provided information about their activities, noting that their main purpose is helping civilians, promotion of units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and organization of interaction with other military formations and law enforcement agencies, local authorities, mass media and the private sector.

The military also reported that the introduction of civil-military cooperation promotes trust of the civilian population to the Armed Forces of Ukraine as an institution of the state. It helps to minimize the impact of the fighting on the civilian population in the area of ​​anti-terrorist operations, promotes to formation of positive public opinion about the activities of Ukrainian Armed Forces in the areas of deployment of military units and expands the possibilities to counter the negative impact of information on the population of the enemy country.

Student youth was invited to a number of interesting topics and issues for the dialogue: “The Concept of Dignity and Its Criteria”, “History and Symbolism of Ukraine”, “The Ukrainians Should Be Proud of”, “Armed Forces of Ukraine.” Participants had the opportunity to watch movies and documentaries. Among them was the impressive film “Cyborgs of the Luhansk Airport.”

We note that such events are held with the purpose of the national-patriotic education of students. It is one of the main directions of the educational work at the College. Its purpose is formation of modern national identity on the best examples of courage and valor, the heroism of the modern struggle for the independence and integrity of the state, education of civic duty and responsibility of students for the future of Ukraine.

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