Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Working Group Meeting

On January 20, a meeting of students for professional pre-higher education majoring in Secondary Education (Physical Education) with the guarantor, working group, and graduates of this specialty took place at the Professional College of LTSNU.

The event was also attended by teachers who provide the educational process in this specialty. The meeting was dedicated to discussing the content and ways to improve the educational and professional program “Secondary Education (Physical Culture)”.

In general, meetings of students with the guarantor of the educational and professional program and the working group are an important component of the educational process in our college. They help strengthen the connection between students and the academic environment, providing an opportunity to get answers to questions and discuss current topics. In turn, graduates have the opportunity to discuss their achievements, share experience not only with teachers, but also with students, as well as receive useful information from the guarantor of the program.

The guarantor of the program made an introductory speech. She introduced the comments and suggestions that were provided by the experts of the accreditation commission during the conditional (deferred) accreditation in 2024, with the “Procedures for organizing the educational process”. She especially drew the attention of those present to “Procedure 1.3. Assessment of the quality of the EPP and making changes to it”. Attention was also focused on the fact that applicants are a dynamic party to the educational process, they can influence the formation and making changes to the OPP, which is why it was suggested to express their own wishes and views. The Guarantor called on those present to express their vision of the content of the educational program and the feasibility of making changes to strengthen its individual components.

The students, graduates and teachers took an active part in the discussion, a number of recommendations and proposals were proposed.

At the end of the meeting, both students, teachers and graduates, as well as the participants of the working group, came to the conclusion that the work on improving the educational and professional program should be continued, taking into account the comments and suggestions of experts from the State Service for the Quality of Education, stakeholders, graduates and students, but within the existing objective life realities and taking into account the logical expediency of implementing such changes and additions.


Professional College of LTSNU

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