Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Participation in the Meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council

Representatives of the ER IMIT participated in the meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council of the regional program and digitalization project of the Luhansk Regional State Administration.

The director of the Educational and Research Institute of Mathematics and Information Technologies Hennadii MOHYLNYI and Head of the Department of Information Technologies and Systems Mykola SEMENOV took part in the meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Regional Program and Project of Digitalization of the Luhansk Regional State Administration. The topic of the meeting was the discussion and approval of the concept of digitalization of the Luhansk region.

The meeting presented the work plan for the development of the Regional Comprehensive Program of Digitalization of the Luhansk Region and the Regional Strategy of Digital Transformation for 2024-2027.

The participants of the meeting discussed and approved the distribution of responsibilities between the members of the working group, the plan and schedule of work and the concept of digitalization of the Luhansk region.


According to the Educational and Research Institute of Mathematics and Information Technologies

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