Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка


A meeting was held at the Department of Philosophy and Sociology with the head of the student social service sector and the deputy director of the library.

The Department of Philosophy and Sociology initiated a meeting of bachelor’s and master’s students of the Institute of Social and Humanitarian Sciences and with the head of the student social service sector, Hanna Serik, and the deputy director of the university library, Oksana Shevchyk.

Hanna Serik provided students with information about the main areas of activity of the student social service sector, volunteer work, and cooperation with charitable organizations.

Oksana Shevchyk presented the new possibilities of the LTSNU library. This is not the first meeting of Oksana Shevchyk with the graduates of the institute, in particular, with graduates of the “Sociology”, “Political Science” and “International Relations” majors. Last year, Ms. Oksana conducted the School of Academic Integrity for future sociologists and political scientists.

The students got acquainted with the peculiarities of access to library funds, the repository, the procedure for accessing databases, the content of information materials that are currently available on the library’s website and that are planned to be posted within the next month. 

Meetings with representatives of structural subdivisions of the university are initiated by the guarantors of educational programs in sociology in order to inform students of the opportunities available at the university, not only regarding the educational process itself, but also extracurricular activities.

Department of Philosophy and Sociology

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