Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Joint Meeting of the Academic Council and Meetings of the Labor Team at the ER ISHS

A joint meeting of the Academic Council and the meeting of the labor team took place in the Educational and Research Institute of Social and Humanitarian Sciences.

On October 16, the educational and scientific institute of social and political sciences held a joint meeting of the academic council and meetings of the labor team, where important issues related to personnel appointments, the organization of the educational process, and the work of the teaching staff were discussed.

One of the central issues on the agenda was the appointment of new heads of departments. Anton Vasylovych Bader was the first to speak, who presented to the work team the candidacy of Liudmyla Oleksandrivna Novoskoltseva for the position of head of the department of political science and international relations. L.O. Novoskoltseva, Candidate of Political Sciences and Associate Professor, has rich experience in scientific and pedagogical activity, which she explained in detail during her speech. Over the past two years, she completed 12 internships in various European countries, prepared new and improved existing training programs, published four articles in prestigious international journals indexed in WebofScience. Her perspective plan for the development of the department includes improving the qualifications of teachers, increasing the number of publications in the scientific databases Scopus and WebofScience, intensifying the scientific activity of students and expanding cooperation with political parties and public organizations. During the discussion, colleagues positively assessed the activities and ambitious development plan of the department presented by the candidate. After discussion, the issue was put to a vote, and the candidacy of L.O. Novoskoltseva received unanimous support from the labor team.


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