Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Professionally Oriented Hour “Teachers are Important”

The professionally oriented hour “Teachers are important” was held at Lysychansk Pedagogical Professional College.

The word “teacher” is so familiar to our ears that we almost never thought about where it comes from and what meanings it carries. And for nothing! After all, the teaching profession is one of the oldest in the world. 

Today, the college community had the opportunity to dive into the pedagogical opening and get excited about the history of the emergence and development of the teaching profession. During the meeting, the ‘leitmotif’ of which was the statement “Teachers are Important”, the attendees learned the origin of the word “teacher”, why arithmetic teachers in Ancient Greece were called “kalkulaturus arithmeticus” and how it is related to pebbles. And in the ancient “Chinese MES” only the wisest and the most respected members of society were appointed to the position of teachers; in the days of Kyivan Rus, teachers were called masters, showing respect for the mentor’s personality.

Modern teachers are often called “agents of educational change”, because it is modern Ukrainian teachers who define the face of the New Ukrainian School, constantly improve their qualifications, have a proactive attitude in life, and during the war demonstrate superhuman strength and resilience, teaching in bomb shelters, from checkpoints, points of invincibility. And they once again prove to Ukraine and the whole world: teachers are important above all else.

Thank you for your professionalism, thirst for growth, skill and interest in development! Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Heroes!

P.S. You can watch the video of the student flash mob #ThankYouTeacher at this link: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGSlzW9duE/v2FA_Ftjk832TlWE1r3sog/watch


Lysychansk Pedagogical Professional College of LTSNU

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