Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Informational and Educational Hour Dedicated to Ivan Kotliarevskyi’s Birthday

An informational and educational hour dedicated to the birthday of Ivan Kotliarevskyi was held at the Lysychansk Pedagogical College. 

On September 9, the 255th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding figure of Ukrainian culture, the first classic of new Ukrainian literature, Ivan Petrovych Kotliarevskyi was celebrated. His work became a landmark for the history, literature and language of our people.

This is exactly what the students and teachers of the Lysychan Pedagogical College of the State Institution “Luhansk National University named after Taras Shevchenko” talked about during the information and educational hour dedicated to I. Kotlyarevskyi.

At the meeting, the teacher of Ukrainian literature L.V. Shulika tried to debunk stereotypes associated with the figure of the writer. At the same time, the main topic of discussion was the role of Kotliarevskyi in the formation of the Ukrainian nation in a very difficult historical period for Ukrainians at the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century, as well as in our time. Ivan Kotliarevskyi is not only the founder of Ukrainian literature and the literary language, he is the savior of a nation that found itself in despair, depression, humiliated and, as it seemed, destroyed. His poem “Aeneid” paved the way to the future for Ukrainians. Therefore, the figure of Ivan Petrovych in our history is no less important than Taras Shevchenko, about whom we talk much more often.

The participants of the event recalled the works of the author, learned about interesting facts of his life and received an offer to give the birthday man a gift – to return to his works, read or re-read them, watch performances of the plays, the cartoon “Aeneid”. We hope that these gifts will come, because, as we see, culture often protects our people even where armed resistance becomes impossible.

Today, Kotliarevskyi’s works give us the opportunity to support ourselves spiritually, not to despair, and to understand that the Ukrainian nation is indestructible.


Lysychansk Pedagogical Professional College

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