Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Information Session for IDP Women

A joint information session for IDP women and women of the community was held in the Lubny District Council in cooperation with the BF “Right to Protection”.

The information session was conducted by Valentyna VOVK, head of the Career Development Center of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, career advisor of the “Women’s Employment Center”, implemented as part of the “WE ACT II: We act for women and their opportunities” project. The project is implemented by the United Nations Population Fund in Ukraine with the financial support of the European Union, in partnership with the public organization “Innovative Social Solutions”.

During the meeting, the listeners learned about:

  • the legal advice: how to get free legal help and protect your rights;
  • benefits: what social benefits are available to you and how to apply for them;
  • discussed housing issues;
  • shared news in legislation: what changes have taken place in the laws.

The session was followed by a discussion where women could ask their questions and get individual advice.

It should be noted that the Center was created to support and develop the potential of women to help them cope with life’s challenges and achieve success in employment and entrepreneurship, which will contribute to the expansion of economic opportunities for vulnerable women with a special focus on those living in remote settlements. “Women’s Employment Center” is located in auditorium 129 at the address: 2 Viktor Novikov St., LTSNU, the city of Lubny.

By uniting, we increase the economic capacity of women in the region!

Marketing Department of LTSNU

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