Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Second All-Ukrainian Round Table

On June 27-28, the Second All-Ukrainian Round Table of Heads of Departments in specialty 227.1 “Physical Therapy” was held in Lviv.

The All-Ukrainian Round Table was devoted to the development of common practical solutions to the challenges in the rehabilitation process that arose as a result of the war in the education and health care system.

The state institution “Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University” was represented at the event by the head of the Department of Rehabilitation and Medical Diagnostics of the Educational and Research Institute of Health Care and Sports Oleg VINOGRADOV.

During two days, issues of organizing the clinical component of the education of physical therapists, barriers to building a quality system of training rehabilitation specialists in Ukraine and ways to overcome them were discussed. Proposals formulated during the round table will be recorded in a joint resolution, which will be sent to all stakeholders, in particular, state authorities.

The Department of Rehabilitation and Medical Diagnostics expresses sincere gratitude to the round table organizers and colleagues for an interesting discussion and practical advice on improving the quality of education of physical therapists.

According to the Department of Rehabilitation and Medical Diagnostics of the ER IHCS

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