Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Serhii Hlotov’s Photo Project at “EdLeaders-2024”

On June 19, a forum of educational leaders “EdLeaders-2024” was held in the city of Dolyna, Ivano-Frankivsk region, where the charity photo project “Colors of the White Continent” by a graduate of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University Serhii HLOTOV was presented.

At the suggestion of the organizers, the charity project of Serhii HLOTOV, a university graduate, candidate of biological sciences, member of the 27th and 28th Ukrainian Antarctic expeditions, photographer and volunteer, was presented to the participants of the Forum. The co-organizer of this project is Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University. 

The rector of the university, Olena KARAMAN, introduced the author, a graduate of the university, to the participants of the Forum and spoke about the educational value of this project. The participants of the Forum had the opportunity to view part of the photographs of the exhibition and join the fundraising for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine by purchasing unique Antarctic products – postcards, photographs with the image of penguins in the style of Andy Warhol, commemorative coins and small penguin souvenirs made from bottle caps at the station, etc.

The exhibition in Dolyna will last until June 28, admission is free. We invite you to visit the exhibition, admire the beauty of the most remote point of our country, the Antarctic station “Akademik Vernadskyi” and, if possible, join the fundraising aimed at supporting volunteer initiatives to help the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which in times of war defend and protect the freedom, independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine . Funds can also be transferred online for equipment for polar explorers, who bravely defend our country today. The card number of Olena Marushevska is 5168 7451 2508 8739, who works in the center and contacts all the winter workers who serve, knows their needs and organizes fundraising.

Project partners: Mitia Zinoviev and “Workshop of Miracles” (Kyiv); Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, (Lubny-Dolyna); Ukrainian educational online portal for teachers “On Lesson” (Kharkiv); Kolofarb-Print LLC (Kyiv); National Antarctic Scientific Center (Kyiv), Dolyna City Council (Dolyna); Department of Education of the Dolyna City Council (Dolyna); Department of Culture of the Dolyna City Council (Dolyna); Museum of Local History “Boikivshchyna” of Tetiana and Omelyan Antonovych (Dolyna city).

According to the ER INAS and the ER IPP

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