Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Guest Lecture-Webinar

Guest lecture-webinar “Effective Management Communication Without Conflicts and Manipulation”.

On May 22, 2024, a webinar dedicated to the current topic: “Effective Management Communication Without Conflicts and Manipulation” was held at the Department of Public Service and Management of Educational Institutions for students majoring in 073 “Management” and 281 “Public Management and Administration”.

The lecturer of the event was Olga YUPATINA, psychologist, art therapist, business coach, presenter of the financial game “Cash Flow”, and  organizer of events for the development of personal growth.

The organizer and moderator of the event was Nadiia VASYNYOVA, Ph.D., associate professor, associate professor of the Department of Public Service and Management of Educational Institutions.

Mrs. Olga extremely informatively, from a technological point of view, presented topical issues of effective communication, provided answers and clarifications to such problematic issues as:

How to convey an opinion to another person so that you are heard and understood?
What words should be used to motivate listeners to take the necessary actions?
How to recognize and neutralize manipulation while maintaining the effectiveness of relationships in the team?
How to consciously analyze conflicts and prevent conflict situations?
How to prevent organizational/team conflicts?
How to improve a positive microclimate and effectively resolve conflicts?
How to be more energetic, active and manage emotions?
It is valuable that the participants of the lecture were able to receive practical recommendations on establishing and building effective communications in the team, resisting manipulation, etc. Specialists will be able to use the acquired knowledge and skills both in their personal life and in the professional sphere.

At the end of the meeting, the participants expressed their gratitude to Olga Yupatina for an interesting and meaningful lecture, which motivated the winners to further self-development and self-improvement, for an invaluable experience!

Thank you to everyone present, especially for the feedback!

We look forward to the next meetings!

According to the moderator of the meeting – Nadia VASYNYOVA,
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Service
and management of educational institutions.

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