Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Excursion to the Local History Museum

An excursion to the local history museum was held for college students and teachers.

On May 20, students and teachers of the Specialized College of LTSNU and Starobilsk Professional College of LTSNU visited the Kalaidyntsi Museum of Local Lore as part of the Vyshyvanka Day.

The museum room at the “Kalaidyntsi Secondary School of I-III grades named after F. D. Rubtsov” was founded on September 15, 2002, and was reorganized into a historical and local history museum on November 4, 2004. It was created with the aim of attracting schoolchildren to the study and preservation of the historical and cultural heritage of the Ukrainian people, the formation of an educated, developed personality, the education of patriotism, love for Ukraine, respect for folk customs, traditions, and national values ​​of Ukrainians.

The museum’s expositions impressed the students and those present with their scale and good selection of works. Each exhibit creates its own atmosphere, coziness and gives a lift. Materials that tell about brilliant victories, defeats and losses in the Russian-Ukrainian war are added to the museum exposition.

The museum is the past, it is history, it is the soul, and it is the heart of our ancestors. The museum has the following departments: “History of the native school”, “Room of Battle Glory”, “Folklore Svelitsia”, “From the Hoary Antiquity”, “Our school bears his name”, “Bells of National Memory”, “Defenders of the Fatherland” . The students got to know the history of the Poltava region and tried out some household items and tools of antiquity.

Special gratitude to the wise and true patriot of Ukraine, Honored Teacher of Ukraine, Director of the Kalaidyntsi Lyceum Serhii Mysnyk for an interesting and informative tour.

We wish the local history museum new creative achievements and meaningful meetings.

Professional College of LTSNU
and Starobilsk Professional College of LTSNU

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