Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Meeting of the Department of Public Service and Management of Educational Institutions

On May 10, 2024, a meeting of the Department of Public Service and Management of Educational Institutions was held. 

Among the most important issues, the reports on the scientific and pedagogical activity of teachers whose contracts are expiring were considered. As a result of the discussion, the reports were approved by open voting and a recommendation was made to participate in the competition to fill vacant positions for candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the department N.S. Vasynova, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the department O.M. Ptakhina, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor of the department O.O. Saienko, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department Je.V. Ivanov.

The next item on the agenda deals with the results of the 1st All-Ukrainian Pedagogical Readings in memory of Jr.M. Hrykov “Contexts of Yevgen Mykolaiovych Hrykov’s Creativity: Current Problems of Educational and Public Management.” The Associate Professor Yevhen Ivanov reported that this event was held on April 3, 2024 as part of the Science Days, in which scientists from different parts of Ukraine participated. Based on the results of the readings, a collection of theses was prepared.

The Associate Professor Nadiia Vasynyova reported on the results of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference “Integration of Science and Management Practice in the Conditions of Socio-Cultural Transformations” on April 25, 2024. Geographically, the event covered about 10 cities of Ukraine, researchers from Slovakia, Poland, Austria, Montenegro participated and gathered more than 200 participants from different regions of Ukraine and abroad. The conference became a platform for discussing current and important issues of public administration, management of educational institutions, development of strategies aimed at the recovery and development of Ukraine after the war, emphasizing the role of science, education and international cooperation in this process.

Collections based on the materials of the 1st All-Ukrainian pedagogical readings in memory of Je.M. Hrykov “Contexts of Yevgen Mykolayovych Hrykov’s Creativity: Current Problems of Educational and Public Management” and II International Scientific and Practical Conference “Integration of Science and Management Practice in Conditions of Socio-Cultural Transformations” are recommended for publication.

Among the following issues, the Report on the work of the scientific group “Search” in the 2023-2024 academic year was considered. The head of the circle, associate professor Yevhen Ivanov reported that the meetings of the circle were held in accordance with the work plan, in addition, extraordinary meetings were held, and all full-time scientific and pedagogical workers, post-graduate students of the department and students at the second (master’s) level were involved in the work.

Among the important issues, the problem of forming the contingent of master’s degrees for 2024-2025 was also raised. The Director of the Academic Institute of Public Administration and Postgraduate Education, Professor Volodymyr Zablotskyi, outlined the state of conducting the entrance exam for master’s degrees, emphasized the problematic issues. The Head of the Department, Professor Tetiana Sych, determined the areas of activity to ensure the formation of a contingent of master’s degrees for the 2024-2025 academic year.

We hold the educational front!

According to the Department of Public Service and
Management of Educational Institutions

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