Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Fruitful cooperation

The teachers of Ukrainian philology of the Lysychansk Pedagogical College cooperate fruitfully with the scientists of the Ukrainian Language Department of the ER IPJ. 

During April, teachers of Ukrainian philology at our educational institution continued cooperation with scientists of the Ukrainian Language Department of the Educational and Research Institute of Philology and Journalism of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University. Such cooperation has already become a good long-standing tradition.

As part of the celebration of the 210th anniversary of the birth of Taras Shevchenko, teachers L. V. Shulika and L. V. Serhiienko prepared their own and student theses for participation in the 23rd All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference named after Viktor Uzhchenko “FIGURATIVE WORD OF LUGHANSK REGION”, and also took participation in the plenary session on April 18, 2024.

According to the results of the conference, the theses of the teacher L. V. Shulika “PAIN FROM THE LOSS OF A SMALL MOTHERLAND IN THE COLLECTION “I WANT TO GO HOME” BY HANNA GAIVORONSKA” (CYCLE “WORRY WINDS”) and the 3rd year student E. Kryzhna (supervisor is L. V. Serhiienko) “LIUBOV YAKYMCHUK IS A CHILD OF HER “LITTLE MOTHERLAND” were included in the collection. It was not by chance that the chosen themes sounded in unison, because they raise the painful topic for all of us of the loss of our hometown, a small homeland, which is a red thread running through the works of the writers of the Luhansk region.

On April 26, 2024, teachers took part in the round table meeting “Ukrainian Wordsmith and the Modern Scientific and Educational Paradigm”, also organized by the Ukrainian Language Department of  LTSNU. During the meeting, it became interesting to discuss the current problems of reforming the linguistic and literary education field, which was started by A. V. Nikitina and continued by K. D. Hlukhovtseva, O. E. Kleschova, and others. Practicing teachers also shared the experience of their own activities in the field of language and literature education. College teachers also joined the discussion in remote mode – L. V. Serhiienko spoke about the integration system and the individual approach to the philological education of students at our educational institution.

We are extremely grateful to the teachers of the Ukrainian Language Department of our Alma Mater for organizing such interesting, meaningful events, full of relevant information, advice for improving language and literature education, and the opportunity to share practical experience.

Lysychansk Pedagogical Professional College

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