Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Report of scientific research to the Science Days

Students of the Department of Finance, Accounting and Banking presented a report of scientific research to the Science Days.

The staff of the Department of Finance, Accounting and Banking, together with the students, takes an active part in scientific research on the development of state finances, budget and tax policy, inter-budgetary relations, the banking system, insurance management, because the formation of the market economy activated the processes of development of financial relations in the country and created prerequisites for delineating new structural components of the financial system.

On April 25, 2024, as part of the Science Days in the form of a remote scientific seminar on the topic: “Modern Trends in the Development of Finance, Banking, Insurance and the Stock Market”, the results of scientific research of students of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th courses of the Department of Finance, Accounting and Banking were presented , the confirmation of which is the approval of materials in the form of the publication of theses in collections of scientific conferences (V International scientific and practical conference “Science of XXI Century: Development, Main Theories and Achievements” (December 26, 2024, Helsinki, Finland); IV International scientific conference “Development of Scientific Thought of Post-Industrial Society: Modern Discourse” (November 17, 2023, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine); V International scientific and practical conference “Current Issues of Science, Prospects and Challenges” (November 17, 2023, Sydney, Australia ); of the III International Scientific and Theoretical Conference “The Driving Force of Science and Trends in its Development” (December 22, 2023, Coventry, United Kingdom).

Department of Finance, Accounting and Banking

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