Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

The All-Ukrainian Children’s Union “Ecological Guard” celebrates its 25th anniversary

On April 22, 1999, on World Earth Day, the All-Ukrainian Children’s Union “Ecological Watch” was created on the initiative and assistance of the All-Ukrainian Environmental League.

“Ecological Guard” is the only all-Ukrainian children’s public organization that unites children and youth who consciously direct their efforts to protect the environment and learn to be active environmentalists. This is more than 40,000 children and adults in all regions of Ukraine – 100 urban, 120 district and 145 rural centers! The purpose of the Union’s activity is to educate an environmentally conscious individual through the organization of interesting work with children and youth, their involvement in research work and environmental actions. The union is guided by the principles of humanism, openness, voluntariness, creative initiative, and activity.

As part of the program of events, the joint team of the Luhansk branch of the All-Ukrainian Environmental League and the student-teaching team of the ER INAS organized and held thematic events among students and pupils of the Poltava region. The participants of the meeting attended a presentation of materials with a discussion on “Green Lungs of Ukraine”, at which they lively discussed the importance of forest plantations and the reasons for their destruction. It was also suggested to watch a series of videos from satellite images about the destruction and restoration of Carpathian forests over the past 20 years. The organizers focused the attention of the participants on the positive experience of neighboring countries in the preservation and restoration of forests.

As part of the program, together with the Children’s and Youth Library of the Myrhorod City Council, the exhibition “Green Lungs of Ukraine” was organized and opened, where photos of forests and photos of their destruction were presented. Information cards became an interesting addition to the exhibition. Readers of the library have the opportunity to view photos and learn about the background information. And for all those interested, instructions for making a paper tree using the origami technique are offered.

Caring for our planet is an important mission actively promoted by members of the eco-movement around the world. Human actions have a detrimental effect on the environment. And now, more than ever, the risk of environmental disaster has increased many times. Forests on our Earth occupy a third of the entire land area of our planet. They perform vital ecosystem functions. Currently, the forests of Ukraine suffer from destruction not only due to natural and human factors, but also due to military actions.

The threat of forest destruction under cover of war remains alongside threats directly caused by hostilities. It is worth remembering that the reduction of forest area has an extremely negative effect on global climate processes.

Celebrations of Earth Day and celebrations of the 25th anniversary of the All-Ukrainian Children’s Union “Ecological Guard” continue!

We wish success and new achievements to the All-Ukrainian Children’s Union “Ecological Guard” team. 

According to the ER INAS

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