Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Online Applicant Day

Another Online Applicant Day was held at Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University.  

Every year, entrants choose where and in what specialty to get an education. This choice affects future employment, personal development, shapes the environment, professional goals and connections. Therefore, in order to help future students to consider their choice more thoroughly, on March 27, the management team and representatives of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University held another online career orientation meeting, to which everyone was invited.

The guests of the event were able to learn about the admission rules for 2024 and personally learn about the features and prospects of their future specialties from the university management and the highly qualified teaching staff of one of the most glorious higher education institutions in Ukraine with a 103-year history of training specialists of various profiles.

The Rector of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University Olena KARAMAN spoke about the University itself and its history, provided information about structural subdivisions, as well as specialties. She invited young people to join the University, which is a benchmark for the quality of Ukrainian education and successfully carries out educational, research and educational activities, guided by the best world and national traditions, modern principles and the latest trends in the development of educational services.

During the online meeting, the attendees asked university representatives their questions, to which the teaching staff gladly and exhaustively answered. The questions were multifaceted: about majors, admission requirements, educational processes, leisure time, and more. The meeting took place in a rich and positive format.

Online applicant days will continue to be held! Follow our information portals!

We are waiting for everyone at our university! The door is always open for each of you!


See you next time!

University website: https://luguniv.edu.ua/?page_id=92728

email: lnu.priymalnakomisia.27@gmail.com

Phone number of the admissions committee: +38(095)105-60-05

Marketing Department of LTSNU

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