Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

World Poetry Day

The World Poetry Day is celebrated annually on March 21.

The Poetry Day has been celebrated in Ukraine since 2004. Poetry is not just a part of global culture, but also one of the genius achievements of mankind. The special energy of poetry can lead, inspire and unite.

A special national poetic genre was widespread in Ukraine — dumas, that is, epic and lyrical poems performed in recitative to the accompaniment of bandura or kobza.

But the real spiritual leader for Ukrainians was Taras Shevchenko. Born in serfdom, he had outstanding artistic and poetic talents, and for the revolutionary mood of his poems, he survived a ten-year exile. Despite his short life, the Ukrainian genius left many outstanding poems, ballads, novels and the collection “Kobzar”. Shevchenko is a poet of global scale — his poems have been translated into most of the world’s languages, and many monuments to the poet have been erected even outside of Ukraine.

From ancient times to the present day, poetry remains a living art form that is constantly evolving, but its essence remains unchanged – the desire to reproduce the deepest and most important human feelings.

The easiest way to celebrate World Poetry Day is to take a collection of your favorite poet from the bookshelf and once again enjoy the beautiful work. Students of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University read today the collection of the poet “Kobzar”. Poetry significantly increases students’ desire to create, expands their worldview, enriches the language with new words, and inspires interesting ideas.

On the World Poetry Day, we congratulate all masters of the poetic word! We wish the fulfillment of creative ideas and dreams. May your word always be needed, heal the soul and bring pleasure to every reader, and therefore – be eternal.

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