Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

210th anniversary of the Great Kobzar’s birthday

210 years have passed since the birth of the Great Kobzar, but every word written by the poet is still relevant.

The outstanding Ukrainian artist left many important messages, which became testaments and calls to action for Ukrainians.

On March 9, 2024, on the occasion of another anniversary of the birth of Taras Hryhorovych Shevchenko, Luhansk National University, which proudly bears his name, joined the joint solemn traditional events to honor the memory of the national genius in the park named after T.G. Shevchenko, where community leaders, deputies of the Lubny City Council, representatives of the creative intelligentsia and the public were present.

Shevchenko is not only something that is studied, but also something that they live by, from which they draw strength and hope, because it was in the depths of the future that he sent his unbreakable wills to the sons of his people.

After honoring the memory of the genius of the Ukrainian people with a moment of silence, those present laid flowers at his monument, and students of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University installed a basket with yellow and blue flowers – the symbolic colors of our state.

The outstanding poet became a symbol of the struggle for our freedom, and today, when the Russian invaders are trying to destroy Ukraine once again, Shevchenko’s words add strength to the resistance:

“Love your Ukraine,
Love it… while fierce,
In the last difficult minute
Pray to the Lord for it.”

The prophetic and parting good words from the work of the genius ( “…and learn from others and do not shun your own…”) are written on the university’s coat of arms.

Glory to Taras Hryhorovych Shevchenko! Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Heroes of Ukraine!

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