Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

“The Role of Women in Pedagogy: Strength, Dedication and Influence”

The educational event “The Role of Women in Pedagogy: Strength, Devotion and Influence” was held at the Starobilsk Professional College of LTSNU.

At the beginning of spring, Iryna Serhiivna Maslovska, teacher of the Starobilsk Professional College of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, held the event “The Role of Women in Pedagogy: Strength, Devotion and Influence”, dedicated to International Women’s Day, where it was emphasized the importance of the role of women in science, education and upbringing.

Educators prepared small studies and shared their vision about the role and significance of women’s influence in pedagogy. The life and professional paths of outstanding female teachers of the past and present were demonstrated.

This allowed the participants of the event to better learn about with the success stories and significant contributions of these women to the field of education. Attention was drawn to how women’s empathy, patience, dedication and professionalism contribute to the development of education in our country. It was noted that the contribution of women scientists to the field of education cannot be overestimated, as it reflects their strength, dedication and influence on the formation of the future generation.

Starobilsk Professional College of LTSNU

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