Doctoral School-2024
The postgraduate student majoring in 052 Political Science studied at the Doctoral School-2024.
Viktor Sirovatko, a postgraduate student majoring in 052 Political Science studied at the Doctoral School-2024 “Sustainable, inclusive and smart development in the context of decentralization: EU experience”, as part of the international grant The Jean Monnet Chair project “Sustainable, Inclusive and Smart Development within Decentralization Process: the EU Experience” Erasmus +.
As part of the work of the Winter Doctoral School 2024, the institutions and instruments of the European Union regarding sustainable development were studied, they delved into the EU’s innovative strategies aimed at creating a competitive economy, reducing CO2 emissions, sustainable development of natural resources, food safety and consumption, nuclear safety, as well as development safe technical standards, as well as practical aspects of decentralization and self-sufficiency of communities and the importance of inclusiveness and active participation in development and reform processes.
At the end of the program, as part of the evaluation of acquired knowledge, tests and written works were given. Upon successful completion of the course, a certificate of professional development is guaranteed, which includes 3 ECTS credits/90 hours.