Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Meeting at the Institute of Mathematics and Information Technologies

An online meeting dedicated to the 103rd anniversary of LTSNU was held with students. 

An online meeting with students was held at the ER IMIT dedicated to the 103rd anniversary of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University.

On February 29, at the Educational and Research Institute of Mathematics and Information Technologies, an online meeting with students dedicated to the 103rd anniversary of the founding of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University was held.

The director of the Institute Hennadii Mohylnyi, the head of the Department of Information Technologies and Systems Mykola Semenov and the acting head of the Department of Mathematics and Informatics Lina Bondarenko addressed students with welcoming words.

The deputy director for social and humanitarian work Iryna Shvets held an information hour on the topic “Pages of the University’s History”.

At the meeting, the difficult history of the university was told – from the date of its foundation to the present. Archival photos of university buildings in Luhansk, Starobilsk, Rubizhne and Poltava region were shown.

“Without knowledge of history, there is no future,” says folk wisdom. Every person should know not only world history, but also the history of his region, settlement, and university. The period of study in a visa is a page of the student’s life. And from this point of view, every student should know the history of their higher educational institution, its scientific heritage, the contribution of university employees to the world treasury of knowledge. This is very important for broadening the worldview, self-development and moral and spiritual elevation of the student.

The main wealth of our university is sincere, generous and talented scientists and employees, who with their work create the image and good reputation of AlmaMater, are a model for modern students. Each of you is an important part of the University family! Only by joint efforts can we overcome all the challenges of such difficult war times, restore confidence in the peaceful and successful future of our native Ukraine.

We wish the teachers wide and happy roads, peace and faith in victory, creative inspiration and inspired work for the benefit of our University!

We wish the students to preserve and multiply the best traditions and assets of the University and proudly bear the title of student of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University!

Educational and Research Institute
of Mathematics and Information Technologies

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