Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Happy birthday, dear Alma Mater!

Dear students, teachers, employees, veterans, graduates, partners, friends, current and future generations of our university community, everyone who is involved in the great and glorious family of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University!

From its foundation in 1921 to the present day, the university has gone through a long and thorny path: wars, evacuations, changes in political regimes, reorganizations, renaming – all this has been experienced by Luhansk National University during its many years of history!

At all times of its existence, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University has always been, is and remains an educational, scientific, socio-cultural center of Ukraine, a leader of higher education, an initiator and leader of educational reforms, a guardian of universal and national values. And since 2014, it has been an indomitable fighter for the independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine and the future of the Ukrainian nation in the progressive world and European community!

For the second time, Russian armed aggression and forced evacuation caused damage to the material and technical support of the university. As a result of an insidious attack by Russia, buildings and dormitories were destroyed, many teachers and students died, and more than 2,000 students are participants in the hostilities, which we are very proud of. But every time when a threat hung over the University – during the Stalinist repressions, the Second World War, the armed aggression of Russia in the East of Ukraine in 2014, the full-scale war of Russia against Ukraine in 2022 – it, without losing its honor and reputation, always won, recovered and again occupied leadership positions in the educational and scientific space of Ukraine!

We bow our heads to our teachers and students who died for their country. Eternal memory to them. However, they proved that Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University has always been, is and will be an outpost of Ukrainianism, a consistent leader of the Ukrainian national idea among the population of Ukraine.

We thank all partners and friends who, in the most difficult time for Ukraine and the University, find resources and strengthen the educational, scientific, informational, material and technical base of our Alma Mater.

An undoubted and indisputable role in the education of the young generation and ensuring the quality of training of specialists belongs to the powerful teaching staff of the University, which includes respected professors and doctors of sciences, associate professors and candidates of sciences, outstanding educators, scientists, world-renowned specialists, laureates of state prizes and awards, members of national and branch academies.

Today, a terrible war broke into the life of every Ukrainian. It scattered the university family all over the world, but united and hardened it even more. Such extraordinary unity, responsibility, energy and diligence, love for Ukraine and our native Alma Mater are evidence of our readiness to rebuild the country.

For 103 years, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University has come a long, difficult, but worthy way. Our team has always been distinguished by professionalism, cohesion, a careful attitude to traditions and a desire to find new ways and vectors of development, an unstoppable desire to move forward towards ambitious goals.

We are proud of each of you for preserving the true spirit of the university staff. Thank you for the fact that in difficult times you do not abandon your duties and show an example of stability and dedication to education and the university.

We are confident that our University will pass through the formidable challenges of today, gain new experience, be enriched by loyal friends and partners, and its new historical period will pass under the slogan of restoration and rapid development.

We sincerely and heartily congratulate everyone on the 103rd anniversary of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University! We wish new scientific achievements and discoveries, brilliant ideas and their successful implementation, preservation and multiplication of the accumulated unique experience, optimism, talented and dedicated students, creative success and professional graduates, a worthy continuation of the glorious traditions of the university, and especially – the earliest peace to our native Ukrainian land and prosperity to our Alma Mater!

We are united! Happy holiday!!!


Rector of Taras Shevchenko National University Olena KARAMAN
Head of the Academic Council Vitalii KURYLO

© Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, 2007-2024