Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

III International Scientific and Practical Conference

The 3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference “Science and Education in Global and National Dimensions: Challenges, Threats, Development Prospects” was held.

On February 23, 2024, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, the Research Center for Social Pedagogy and Social Work of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine together with the Lubny City Council, including the Department of Education and the Center for Professional Development of Pedagogical Workers, held the 3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference “Science and Education in Global and National Dimensions: Challenges, Threats, Development Prospects”.

The conference was held in the premises of the City Council with the participation of scientists from LTSNU and educators of the Lubny Territorial Community.

Thematic directions of the conference:

Internationalization of science and education in global and national dimensions.
Methodological principles and strategies for the development of education and science in the conditions of modern challenges and threats.
Actual problems of preschool education.
The New Ukrainian School: experience, realities, development prospects.
Directions and content of the reform of general secondary education in Ukraine.
Theory and practice of professional, professional pre-higher and higher education in the context of reforms and challenges.
Innovations in the field of special and inclusive education.
Socio-pedagogical and psychological foundations of educational activity.
The conference was opened by Iryna Vasylivna Kharchenko, deputy mayor of Lubensk.

The Rector of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University Olena Leonidivna Karaman addressed the audience with a welcome speech.

Next, the Plenary Panel began as planned, the program of which included 11 reports. The topics of the reports corresponded to the thematic areas of the conference.
One of the most painful issues today is the Russian-Ukrainian war, the negative impact of which is felt in all spheres of life by both Ukraine and most countries of the world. Every day we live not only the heroic moments of the exploits of our soldiers, our people, but also, unfortunately, losses at various levels of life in society, that is why the reports began with this topic.
Despite the difficult conditions in which domestic education is today, the partnership interaction of pedagogical workers is only getting stronger.

After the reports, it became obvious that one of the leading tasks of modern education is the formation of a citizen, a patriot of their country, able to think critically, analyze and distinguish facts from propaganda in wartime conditions and beyond.

Modern Ukrainian prose is also experiencing a real renaissance, despite years of pressure from Soviet censors, so new authors and new works are returning Ukrainian literature to its elegance and diversity.

Of course, one of the cornerstone problems of today is the problem of Russian aggression, the negative impact of which is felt by most countries of the world in all spheres of life.

I would like to add that now, in modern realities, displaced educational institutions have become a new social phenomenon, an indicator of the heroism and indomitability of Ukrainian educational systems. Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University became a united front for the protection of national education, its development and reconstruction.

After the Plenary Panel, it was time for celebrations.

Based on the results of the conference, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University published the 6th edition of the scientific and methodological almanac “We Nurture Personality” and a collection of theses. The publication is intended for scientific and pedagogical students, postgraduate students, doctoral students, the public, and all those who are interested in innovations in the field of education.

The Rector of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University Olena Karaman, the head of the Education Department of the executive committee of the Lubny City Council, Myroslav Kostenko, and the director of the Municipal Institution “Center for Professional Development of Pedagogical Workers of the Lubny City Council of the Lubny District of the Poltava Region” Nadiia Sichkar were invited to hand over the certificates and scientific-methodical almanac to the authors.

The event ended with a joint photo of the participants of the plenary session of the 3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference “Science and Education in Global and National Dimensions: Challenges, Threats, Development Prospects.”

We continue to work for Victory, because education and science are stronger than the enemy’s weapons!


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