Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Defense of course projects at the Brianka College

Defenses of course projects in the disciplines “Artistic Hairstyles” and “Postiche” were held at the Brianka College.

According to the results of the 1st semester of the 2023/2024 academic year, defenses of course projects in the disciplines: “Artistic Hairstyles” and “Postiche” were held at the Brianka Professional College of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University.

Defense of course projects is one of the measures of semester control. For its successful completion, the students prepared the following components: an explanatory note to the course project, a research presentation and a model on which an artistic image was created.

It should be noted that the students of groups 41MP, 301MPz, 201MPz and 31MP completed the course projects on time and were admitted to the defense.

During the defense of the projects, the students submitted for consideration by the commissions various models of modern hairstyles, make-up and postiche products, made on the basis of the research of historical styles and modern fashion trends.

The defense of the completed works revealed the ability of the students not only to analyze the basic laws of building three-dimensional compositions and the means of artistic modeling, but also to successfully apply them in design practice.

The commission, consisting of experienced college teachers, evaluated the creative projects and noted the good level of training of students in professional disciplines. The members of the commission expressed their remarks and wished the students further professional development.

Congratulations to the college students on the successful defense of their creative works!


According to the Brianka Professional College of LTSNU

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